Course curriculum

    1. 1 - Overview

    2. 2 - Account Opening

    3. 3 - Account Reactivation

    4. 4 - Setting Up Your Billing

    5. 5 - Allowing Team Access

    6. 6 - Data Protection Contacts

    7. 7 - Keyword Planner - Part 1

    8. 8 - Keyword Planner - Part 2

    9. 9 - Keyword Planner - Part 3

    10. 10 - Campaign Creation - Part 1

    11. 11 - Campaign Creation - Part 2

    12. 12 - Campaign Creation - Part 3

    13. 13- Campaign Creation - Part 4

    14. 14 - Campaign Creation - Part 5

    15. 15 - Campaign Creation - Part 6

    16. 16 - Predefined Reporting

    17. 17 - Custom Reports

    18. 18 - Placement Exclusion List

    19. 19 - Rules and Automations

    20. 20 - Conclusion

    1. 1- Overview

    2. 2 - Ad Variations

    3. 3 - Using the Forecast Planner

    4. 4 - Connection to Google Resources

    5. 5 - Connection to Autoresponders

    6. 6 - Connection to Zapier Resources

    7. 7 - Connection to Facebook through Zapier

    8. 8 - Connection to LinkedIn through Zapier

    9. 9 - Connection to WordPress through Zapier

    10. 10 - Connection to Twitter though Zapier

    11. 11 - Adwords and Audiences - Part 1

    12. 12 - Adwords and Audiences - Part 2

    13. 13 - Adwords and Audiences - Part 3

    14. 14 - Store and Retail Ads

    15. 15 - Live Example - Part 1

    16. 16 - Live Example - Part 2

    17. 17 - Live Example - Part 3

    18. 18 - Live Example - Part 4

    19. 19 - Live Example - Part 5

    20. 20 - Conclusion

    1. 1 - Overview

    2. 2 - Navigation And Admin

    3. 2 - Navigation And Admin(2)

    4. 3 - Creating a New Google Analytics Account

    5. 4 - Website Account Creation

    6. 5 - Connecting To WordPress Website

    7. 6. Connecting To HTML Site

    8. 7. Connect Custom Page and Site Builders

    9. 8. Setting Up Annotations

    10. 9. Setting Up Intelligence Events

    11. 10. Set Up Custom Segments

    12. 11. Export Data For Analysis

    13. 12. Set Up Custom Reports

    14. 13. Set Up Google Integrations

    15. 14. Google Analytics Templates

    16. 15. Real Time Reporting

    17. 16. Setting Up Goals

    18. 17. Third Party Integrations

    19. 18. Audience Menu Overview

    20. 19. Interests and Geography

    21. 20. Conclusion

    1. 1. Overview

    2. 2. Data Metrics - Part 1

    3. 3. Data Metrics - Part 2

    4. 4. Digital Product Website

    5. 5. Squeeze Page Set Up - Part 1

    6. 6. Squeeze Page Set Up - Part 2

    7. 7. Split Test of Squeeze Page - Part 1

    8. 8. Split Test of Squeeze Page - Part 2

    9. 9. Sales Page Set Up - Part 1

    10. 10. Sales Page Set Up - Part 2

    11. 11. Spit Test of Sales Page - Part 1

    12. 12. Spit Test of Sales Page - Part 2

    13. 13. Upsell Page Set Up - Part 1

    14. 14. Upsell Page Set Up - Part 2

    15. 15. Success Page Set Up - Part 1

    16. 16. Success Page Set Up - Part 2

    17. 17. Basic Reports

    18. 18. Advanced Reports

    19. 19. Report Automation

    20. 20. Conclusion

About this course

  • $25.00
  • 81 lessons
  • 3 hours of video content

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