Course curriculum

    1. 1- Overview

    2. 2 - Creating A Page

    3. 3 - Promoting The Page

    4. 4 - Promtoing the Page - Part 2

    5. 5 - Promoting the Page - Part 3 - Video

    6. 6 - Promoting Your Business Locally

    7. 7 - Promoting A Specific Website - Part 1

    8. 8 - Promting A Specific Website - Part 2 - Going to Business Manager

    9. 9 - Promoting A Specific Website - Part 3

    10. 10 - Promoting A Specific Website - Part 4

    11. 11 - Setting Up Your Payment Method

    12. 12 - Collecting Lead Information with Forms

    13. 13 - Using the Automated Advertising Platform

    14. 14 - Creating an Audience in the Ad Platform

    15. 15 - Creating An Audience From the Business Manager-Mailchimp-Import

    16. 16 - Creating A Audience From A Customer List - CSV

    17. 17 - Creating a Lookalike Audience

    18. 18 - Creating A Saved Audience

    19. 19 - Sharing An Audience With Another Business

    20. 20 - Conclusion

    1. 1 - Overview

    2. 2 - Creating A Custom Audience for Retargeting

    3. 3 - Connecting the Audience

    4. 4 - Creating The Advertisement

    5. 5 - Custom Audience for Retargeting Existing Customers

    6. 6 - Custom Audience for Regarting Our Existing Customer List - Part 2 - The Creative

    7. 7 - Expanding Your Successful Campaign with Additional Audiences

    8. 8 - Setting Up the Tracking Pixel

    9. 9 - Setting Up Tracking for Offline Events

    10. 10 - Setting Up Tracking for Video Engagement

    11. 11 - Setting Up Tracking for Instagram

    12. 12 - Setting Up Tracking for Lead Ads Forms

    13. 13 - Setting Up Tracking for Individulals That Came to a Facebook Event

    14. 14 - Setting Up Tracking and Individuals Interacting with our Facebook Page

    15. 15 - Live Example - Create A Page

    16. 16 - Live Example - Track The Page With An Audience

    17. 17 - Live Example - Create an Ad Targeting The Page

    18. 18 - Live Example - Create An Event on the Page

    19. 19 - Live Example - Create an Audience Targeting the Event

    20. 20 - Conclusion - Create an Ad

    1. 1 - Overview

    2. 2 - The Dashboard - Setting Up

    3. 3 - Moving Content Over

    4. 4 - Moving Over Content - Part 2

    5. 5 - Facebook Analytics - Funnel Tracking

    6. 6 - Creating Your Analtics Dashboard

    7. 7 - Active Users Report

    8. 8 - Revenue Tracking

    9. 9 - Retention

    10. 10 - Cohorts

    11. 11 - Breakdowns

    12. 12 - Journeys

    13. 13 - Percentile

    14. 14 - Events

    15. 15 - Overlap

    16. 16 - Lifetime Value

    17. 17 - Demographics

    18. 18 - Technology

    19. 19 - Settings

    20. 20 - Conclusion

    1. 1- Overview

    2. 2 - Getting Started with the Setup

    3. 3 - Connecting To WordPress

    4. 4 - Connecting To Eventbrite

    5. 5 - Connecting Offline Events

    6. 6 - Adding and Creating an Ad Account

    7. 7 - Uploading Offline Event Data

    8. 8 - Creating a Custom Conversion

    9. 9 - Creating Multiple Pixels

    10. 10 - Adding Your Instagram Account

    11. 11 - Lines of Business

    12. 12 - Managing People and Pages

    13. 13 - Managing Projects

    14. 14 - Creating System Users

    15. 15 - Adding a Pixel To Warrior Plus From the Business Manager

    16. 16 - Brand Safety and Domains

    17. 17 - Integrations

    18. 18 - Block Lists

    19. 19 - Set Up Settings for Business Manager

    20. 20 - Conclusion

About this course

  • $25.00
  • 80 lessons
  • 2.5 hours of video content

Discover your potential, starting today