Course curriculum

    1. 1 - Overview

    2. 2 - Royalties and Compensation

    3. 3 - Account Set Up

    4. 4 - Additional Accounts

    5. 5 - Additional Users

    6. 6 - Equipment Needed

    7. 7 - Finding Your Niche

    8. 8 - Content Creation - Part 1

    9. 9 - Content Creation - Part 2

    10. 10 - Creating Instructional Style Videos

    11. 11 - Creating Instructional Style Videos - Part 2

    12. 12 - Creating Demonstration Style Videos - Part 1

    13. 13 - Creating Demonstration Style Videos - Part 2

    14. 14 - Publishing Part 1

    15. 15 - Creating Artwork For Your Videos and Account

    16. 16 - Captions for Your Content

    17. 17 - Publishing - Part 2 - Standalone Titles

    18. 18 - Publishing - Episodic Titles

    19. 19 - Creating Your Landing Pages

    20. 20 - Conclusion

    1. 1 - Overview

    2. 2 - Amazon Promotional Tools

    3. 3 - Self Promoting in Your Video

    4. 4 - Creating A Promotinal Video

    5. 5 - Where You Can Collect Leads

    6. 6 - Setting Up Your E-Mail Autoreponder

    7. 7 - Optimizing For Search

    8. 8 - Connection To Amazon Author Central

    9. 9 - Repurpose The Content Into Text

    10. 10 - Repurposing The Content to Paperback

    11. 11 - Repurposing the Paperback To Kindle

    12. 12 - Repurposing To Physical DVDs on Create Space

    13. 13 - Promote Your Amazon Videos on Your Wordpress Site

    14. 14 - Promote Your Amazon Videos On Your YouTube Channel

    15. 15 - Promote Your Videos On Your Twitter Feed

    16. 16 - Promote Events and Content On Facebook

    17. 17 - Promote Your Content Locally Online

    18. 18 - Promote Your Content Locally Offline

    19. 19 - Promoting Your Content Using Live Video

    20. 20 - Conclusion

    1. 1 - Overview

    2. 2 - Content Guidelines

    3. 3 - Are Links Permitted

    4. 4 - Creating An Account

    5. 17 - Preserving Links in Your Document

    6. 8 - Selecting A Theme

    7. 9 - Formatting the Title Page

    8. 6 - Installing Kindle Create

    9. 5 - Matching Book Type

    10. 7 - Building Your Table of Contents

    11. 10 - Formatting the Chapter Pages

    12. 11 - Formatting Your Text

    13. 13 - Adding Text

    14. 12 - Editing Your Text

    15. 16 - Complex Documents from PDF

    16. 14 - Creating Your Cover

    17. 19 - Adding Audio and Video as Hyperlinks

    18. 20 - Conclusion - Upgrading Your Cover

    19. 18 - Adding Audio and Video as an Icon

    20. 15 - Previewing and Publishing Your Book

    1. 1 - Overview

    2. 2 - Free Book Promotion

    3. 3 - Do A Kindle Countdown Deal

    4. 4 - Do a Kindle Pre-Order

    5. 5 - Do a Kindle Book Giveaway

    6. 6 - Provide a Free Advanced Copy for Reviewers

    7. 7 - Using Instant Book Review

    8. 8 - KDP Select Program - Part 1

    9. 9 - KDP Select Program - Part 2

    10. 10 - Regarding the Amazon Associates Program

    11. 11 - Using an Amazon Storefront

    12. 12 - Using the Amazon Influencer Program

    13. 13 - Create a Paperback Version

    14. 14 - Create An Audiobook

    15. 15 - Set Up an Author Blog

    16. 16 - Set Up Social Media Platforms

    17. 17 - Online Author Events

    18. 18 - Set Up Your Author Video Channel

    19. 19 - Set Up Author Central

    20. 20 - Conclusion

    1. 1 - Overview

    2. 2 - Signing Up for An ACX Account

    3. 3 - ACX Requirements Page

    4. 4 - Hiring A Narrator

    5. 5 - Equipment Needed to Create Your Own Audio

    6. 6 - Layout of Your Manuscript

    7. 7 - Things to Remember When You're Recording

    8. 8 - Recording Your Manuscript

    9. 9 - Recording and Editing Your Manuscript

    10. 10 - Processing Your Edits

    11. 11 - Opening Credit_Closing_Credits

    12. 12 - Audio Sample Creation

    13. 13 - Claim and Upload Process

    14. 14 - Claim and Upload Process - Part 2

    15. 15 - Claim and Upload Process - Part 3 - Cover Art

    16. 16 - Claim and Upload Process - Part 4 - Final

    17. 17 - Start Your Author Central Account and Claim Your Book

    18. 18 - Your Author Page - Part 1

    19. 19 - Your Author Page - Part 2

    20. 20 - Conclusion

    1. 1 - Overview

    2. 2 - Should I Use Rebrandable Content or PLR

    3. 3 - Tools Needed

    4. 4 - Stripping The Video Into Audio

    5. 5 - Breaking Your Existing Audio Into Chapters

    6. 6 - Narration and Edit of Chapter Headers

    7. 7 - -Noise Removal and Ending of Sounds

    8. 8 - Saving the Chapter Project File

    9. 9 - Rendering of Audios

    10. 10 - Transcription of Audio

    11. 11 - Edit Transcription

    12. 12 - Kindle Upload

    13. 13 - Edit and Publish on Kindle

    14. 14 - Using a PSD Template for Kindle

    15. 15 - Blog For Your Author Central Page

    16. 16 - Your Influencer Page - Part 1

    17. 17 - Your Influencer Page - Part 2

    18. 18 - Run an Amazon Giveaway

    19. 19 - Promotional Bounties

    20. 20 - Conclusion

About this course

  • $100.00
  • 412 lessons
  • 15 hours of video content

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